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Call for Caregiver Focus Group

Call for Caregiver Focus Group

We are looking for caregivers to participate in one listening session, also called a ‘focus group,’ late spring/early summer 2022. We define caregiver as someone who gives support to a friend or family member with a serious illness, health problem, or disability.

The exact dates and times of the listening sessions will be decided later this spring. The facilitators will use questions and discussion to gather information to better understand caregiving experiences. We will write a report about the experiences of caregivers for adults and children with serious illness, health problems, or disabilities. The report will be shared with the North Carolina Institute of Medicine and the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services.

We are looking for volunteers who represent different ages, backgrounds, caregiving experiences, and regions of the state. Each listening session will include only 4-6 caregivers. The sessions will be held virtually on Zoom, last between 90 and 120 minutes, and be recorded. Participants will be provided a small stipend for their participation. The research team will be selecting volunteers for the focus groups based on answers to the questions in this survey. There are no right or wrong answers. We will select a group of individuals who represent a variety of caregivers and experiences in North Carolina. Thirty (30) caregivers will be selected to participate in one of six virtual listening sessions.

Please use this link to complete a survey if you are interested in being considered for a listening session: https://unc.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3qQkwmEHs9TbSMS For any questions, please contact: 
Sue Deaton by email patientcenteredinnovations@gmail.com
Erin Kent by email erin.kent@unc.edu  or phone 919-966-7373.