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Friday Facts Interview with Dr. Steven Nordstrom

Friday Facts Interview with Dr. Steven Nordstrom

Dr. Steven Nordstrom joined Friday Facts on June 9, 2023 to discuss his research and share his recommendations from his environmental scan on best practices with provider education on goals of care conversations.

You can learn more about his exceptional experience in a more complete biography below the video.

Dr. Steven Nordstrom was born and raised in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. He joined the Canadian Armed Forces in 2001 and served as a Medical Technician in the Reserves for 6 years while finishing high school and completing my undergraduate degree. In 2007 he was accepted to Medicine and transferred to the regular force as a Medical Officer. Upon completion of Family Medicine Residency in 2013, he was posted to CFB Shilo as the 2 PPCLI Battalion Medical Officer. 

Over the course of my military career, he has had the opportunity to train and deploy with several elements of the United States Military, including USAF, USMC, Army, and even the Indiana National Guard. His one regret is having never served with the Navy (either in Canada or abroad). To make up for this he has decided to go on as many cruises as possible. He has completed training as a Flight Surgeon and in Dive Medicine. 

He retired from the military in 2018 as single parenting limited his ability to be away from home for significant periods of time. After “retiring” he transitioned to working as a contracted physician at CFB Shilo, where he eventually became the Base Surgeon. This is where he spends most of his working time, while also covering rural ER/inpatient/LTCF’s on some weekends. Throughout his career he has discovered a passion for developing and forming policy, quality improvement and leading our health care team…. Work that seemed daunting through school, partly due to a lack of training in this area. This is his reason for pursuing an MPH, to develop further skills in these areas that are applicable to his day to day work, and to open further career opportunities for when the time comes to transition to a new job, preferably somewhere with warmer winters. 

Dr. Nordstrom currently resides in Brandon, Manitoba, Canada with his partner and our four children, 11, 12, 13 and 15. Their home time is spent shuttling the kids to their various activities (baseball, gymnastics, swimming) and watching sports. They are big fans of the Winnipeg Jets, Toronto Blue Jays and Tampa Bay Buccaneers (Florida is their home away from home)

About Friday Facts
Friday Facts is a short (8:30 – 9:00AM), bimonthly, news style “show” designed to provide healthcare providers, professionals, and the public with the latest updates on a variety of topics and features different guest speakers each week. Get more information and view more interviews here.